alternanthera toxic to catscole engineering center podium

| Family: Shatavari (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Showy Daisy (Seaside Daisy, Horseweed, Fleabane) | Scientific Names: Erigeron speciosus | Family: Asteraceae, Silver Dollar (Silver Jade Plant, Chinese Jade) | Scientific Names: Crassula arborescens | Family: Crassulaceae, Silver Jade Plant (Chinese Jade, Silver Dollar) | Scientific Names: Crassula arborescens | Family: Crassulaceae, Skunk Cabbage (Skunk Weed, Polecat Weed, Meadow Cabbage, Swamp Cabbage) | Scientific Names: Symplocarpus foetidus | Family: Araceae, Snake Lilly (Iris, Flag, Water Flag) | Scientific Names: Iris species | Family: Iridaceae, Snake Plant (Golden Birds Nest, Mother-in-Laws Tongue, Good Luck Plant) | Scientific Names: Sansevieria trifasciata | Family: Agavaceae, Solomons Lily (Black Calla, Wild Calla, Wild Arum) | Scientific Names: Arum palestinum | Family: Araceae, Sowbread (Cyclamen) | Scientific Names: Cyclamen spp | Family: Primulaceae, Spanish Thyme (Indian Borage, Bread and Butter Plant, Coleus, East Indian Thyme, Stinging Thyme, Country Boarage; many others) | Scientific Names: Coleus ampoinicus | Family: Labiatae, Spindle Tree (Wahoo, Burning Bush) | Scientific Names: Euonymus atropurpurea | Family: Celastraceae, Split Leaf Philodendron (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Fiddle-Leaf, Fruit Salad Plant, Red Emerald, Red Princess, Saddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Spotted Dumb Cane (Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Dumbcane, Exotica, Exotica Perfection, Dieffenbachia) | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia amoena | Family: Araceae, Sprengeri Fern (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Spring Parsley () | Scientific Names: Petroselinum crispum | Family: Apiaceae, St. Johns Wort (Klamath Weed) | Scientific Names: Hypericum perforatum | Family: Clusiaceae, Staggerbush (Fetterbush, Maleberry) | Scientific Names: Lyonia sp. Onions, garlic, shallots, and scallions can cause damage to your cat's red blood cells and lead to anemia. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: Pet Poison Helpline, 3600 . | Family: Pteridaceae. Finally, please note that you should . Most Toxic Plants for Cats, Lilies and More, Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Your Cat, Probiotics for Cats Helps Build a Healthy Digestive System, Cat Stages of Life: What To Do At Every Stage of Your Cats Life For Optimal Health and Well Being. Oxalates: The juice or sap of these plants contains oxalate crystals, which can cause skin irritations or more serious ailments like throat swelling, breathing difficulties, and stomach pain. Calcium oxalate crystals (soluble), all parts of plant toxic. hubbard | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Hypocyrta (Candy Corn Plant, Goldfish Plant) | Scientific Names: Hypocyrta nummularia | Family: Gesneriaceae, Ice Plant () | Scientific Names: Lampranthus piquet | Family: Aizoaceae, Impatience Plant (Giant Touch-Me-Not, Buzzy Lizzy, Patient Lucy, Patient Plant, Tangerine Impatience) | Scientific Names: Impatiens spp. | Family: Moraceae, Musa Paradisiaca (Banana, Edible Banana, Plantain) | Scientific Names: Musa acuminata | Family: Musaceae, Muscari Armeniacum (Grape Hyacinth) | Scientific Names: Muscari armeniacum | Family: Hyacinthaceae, Muskmelon () | Scientific Names: Cucumis melo | Family: Cucurbiaceae, Nasturtium () | Scientific Names: Tropaeolum majus | Family: Tropaeolaceae, Natal Plum () | Scientific Names: Carissa grandiflora | Family: Apocynaceae, Neanthe Bella Palm (Neanthebella) | Scientific Names: Chamaedorea elegans | Family: Araceae, Nematanthus spp. Leather Peperomia () | Scientific Names: Peperomia crassifolia | Family: Leopard Lily () | Scientific Names: Lachenalia lilacina | Family: Hyacinthaceae, Leopard Orchid (Tiger Orchid) | Scientific Names: Dendrobium gracilicaule | Family: Orchidaceae, Lesser Snapdragon () | Scientific Names: Antirrhinum orontium | Family: Mimosaceae, Lily of the Valley Orchid () | Scientific Names: Odontoglossum pulchellum | Family: Orchidaceae, Linden () | Scientific Names: Tilia americana | Family: Tiliaceae, Lipstick Plant () | Scientific Names: Aeschynanthus humilis | Family: Gesneraceae, Little Fantasy Peperomia (Green Ripple Peperomia, Emerald Ripple Peperomia) | Scientific Names: Peperomia caperata | Family: Piperaceae, Little Zebra Plant () | Scientific Names: Haworthia subfasciata | Family: Aloaceae, Living Rock Cactus (African living rock, Mimicry plant) | Scientific Names: Pleiospilos bolusii | Family: Aizoaceae, Living Stones (Kiawe, Mesquite) | Scientific Names: Lithops naureeniae | Family: Aizoaceae. | Family: Balsaminaceae, Irish Moss (Club Moss, Cushion Moss, Krauss Spikemoss, Spreading Club Moss, Trailing Irish Moss) | Scientific Names: Selaginella kraussiana | Family: Selaginellaceae. A. sessilis is well-distributed in the U.S., A. ficoieda is rare. Joseph's Coat Companion Plants Angelonia David Speer Toxic to: Cats, dogs Symptoms: Oral irritation; intense burning and irritation of mouth, tongue and lips; excessive drooling; vomiting; difficulty swallowing Asian Lily Common names: Asiatic lily Toxic to: Cats Symptoms: Vomiting, inappetence, lethargy, kidney failure, death Asparagus Fern Tulip Poplar (tulip tree) | Scientific Names: Liriodendron tulipifera | Family: Turban Squash () | Scientific Names: Cucurbita maxima cv turbaniformis | Family: Cucurbitaceae. . | Family: Liliaceae, Deadly Nightshade (Nightshade, Black Nightshade, European Bittersweet, Climbing Nightshade) | Scientific Names: Solanum spp | Family: Solanaceae, Desert Azalea (Desert Rose, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, Impala Lily, Kudu Lily) | Scientific Names: Adenium obesum | Family: Apocynaceae, Desert Rose (Desert Azalea, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, Impala Lily, Kudu Lily) | Scientific Names: Adenium obesum | Family: Apocynaceae, Devils Backbone (Mother-In-Law-Plant, Kalanchoe, Chandelier Plant, Mother of Millions) | Scientific Names: Kalanchoe tubiflora | Family: Crassulaceae, Devils Ivy (Pothos, Golden Pothos, Taro Vine, Ivy Arum) | Scientific Names: Epipremnum aureum | Family: Araceae, Dieffenbachia (Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Dumbcane, Exotica, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection) | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia | Family: Araceae, Dock (Sorrel) | Scientific Names: Rumex sp. Diet pills. Be aware that caffeine is present in many energy drinks and colas. Even white chocolate can be toxic to your feline friend, but the most dangerous kinds are dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate. Some of the most common causes of cat poisoning include: Poisonous plants such as lilies (day, tiger, japanese show), tulips, and rhododendrons, azaleas; Ingesting or physical contact with common household products like bleach, disinfectants, and other cleaning products, antifreeze, insecticides, pesticides, and . Also check with your veterinarian if you have additional questions. Poppies. | Family: Balsaminaceae, Teasel Gourd (Hedgehog Gourd) | Scientific Names: Cucumis dipsaceus | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Texas Sage (Scarlet Sage) | Scientific Names: Salvia coccinea | Family: Labiatae, Thea Japonica (Common Camellia, Peony Camellia) | Scientific Names: Thea japonica | Family: Theaceae, Thimble Cactus () | Scientific Names: Mammillaria fragilis | Family: Cactaceae, Thorn Apple (Weisdornbluten, Blackthorn, Black Hawthorn, Thorn Plum, Pirliteiro, Red Hawthorn, May Bush, Oxyacantha, Haw Apple, Black Haw, Aubepine) | Scientific Names: Crataegus douglasii | Family: Rosaceae, Ti hu-ling (China Root, Ti-hu-ling, Shiny Leaf Smilax, Cat Brier, Kuang-yen-pa-hsieh) | Scientific Names: Smilax glabra | Family: Liliaceae, Tickseed (coreopsis) | Scientific Names: Coreopsis californica | Family: Compositae, Tiger Orchid (Golden Lace Orchid, Jewel Orchid) | Scientific Names: Haemaria discolor | Family: Orchidaceae. The Annual Costs of Owning a Cat Can You Afford a Cat? Adam-and-Eve(Arum, Lord-and-Ladies, Wake Robin, Starch Root, Bobbins, Cuckoo Plant) | Scientific Names: Arum maculatum | Family: Araceae. Planting Density: 3-5 plants per m, 2-3 plants per linear metre. It causes a rapid drop in blood sugar, resulting in weakness and seizures. The gel is not toxic, though it can cause some vomiting and diarrhea. | Family: Ericaceae, Dogbane Hemp (Bitterroot, Indian Hemp) | Scientific Names: Apocynum | Family: Apocynaceae, Dracaena (Corn Plant, Cornstalk Plant, Dragon Tree, Ribbon Plant) | Scientific Names: Dracaena spp. | Family: Balsaminaceae, Giant White Inch Plant () | Scientific Names: Albiflora | Family: Commelinaceae, Gibasis Geniculata (Tahitian bridal veil) | Scientific Names: Tradescantia multiflora | Family: Commelinaceae, Globe Thistle () | Scientific Names: Echinops | Family: Asteraceae, Gloxinia () | Scientific Names: Sinningia speciosa | Family: Gesneriaceae, Gold Bloom (Marigold, Mary Bud, Garden Marigold, Pot Marigold) | Scientific Names: Calendula officinalis | Family: Compositae, Gold-Fish Plant (Candy Corn Plant) | Scientific Names: Hypocyrta nummularia | Family: Gesneriaceae. Unfortunately, this drug can be extremely toxic (poisonous) to cats and dogs. Ideal for low hedges, borders and ground cover. Pain relievers (acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen) Vitamins and other supplements. Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) plant is poisonous to cats. Contact American Humane 1400 16th Street NW, Suite 360 Washington, DC 20036 Tax ID/EIN: 84-0432950 [email protected] (800) 227-4645 Fluffy Ruffles () | Scientific Names: Nephrolepsis exalta | Family: Forster Sentry Palm (Kentia palm) | Scientific Names: Howea forsteriana | Family: Howea forsteriana, Fortunes Palm (Chusan palm) | Scientific Names: Trachycarpus fortunei | Family: Palmae, Freckle Face (Polka Dot Plant, Measles Plant, Flamingo Plant, Babys Tears) | Scientific Names: Hypoestes phyllostachya | Family: Acanthaceae, Friendship Plant () | Scientific Names: Pilea involucrata | Family: Pilaceae, Garden Marigold (Marigold, Mary Bud, Gold bloom, Pot marigold) | Scientific Names: Calendula officinalis | Family: Compositae, Garden Snapdragon () | Scientific Names: Antirrhinum majus | Family: Scrophulariaceae, Gerber Daisy (Transvaal Daisy, African Daisy, Veldt Daisy, Gerbera Daisy, Barberton Daisy) | Scientific Names: Gerbera jamesonii | Family: Compositae, German Violet (Arabian gentian, Persian violet) | Scientific Names: Exacum affine | Family: Gentianaceae, Gherkins (Immature cucumbers) | Scientific Names: Cucumis sativus | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Ghost Leafless Orchid (Leafless ghost orchid) | Scientific Names: Polyrrhiza lindenii | Family: Orchidaceae, Ghost Plant (Mother of pearl plant) | Scientific Names: Secum weinbergii | Family: Crassulaceae, Giant Aster () | Scientific Names: Townsendia sericea | Family: Asteraceae, Giant Holly Fern (Sword fern, Wester sword, imbricate sword fern) | Scientific Names: Ploystichum munitum | Family: Polypodaceae, Giant Touch-Me-Not (Buzzy Lizzie, Impatience Plant, Patient Lucy, Patient Plant, Tangerine Impatience) | Scientific Names: Impatiens spp. Is alternanthera poisonous? Dill Botanical Name: Anethum graveolens This feathery culinary herb is safe for dogs. They have an online tool that notes hundreds of different plants that are toxic for dogs, cats, and horses. Signs of poisoning include lethargy, depression and vomiting and if untreated, acute kidney or renal failure will occur and potentially death. China doll plant is rated 4,5 stars for its lovely green foliage and tree like structure. It goes well in soups, creamy dressings, and meat dishes. Plant poisoning can vary between pets and the type of contact, ingestion, etc. It's important to keep these out of your home, or in an area that your cat cannot access. A. philoseroides is the most common. Charles Darwin, "Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened." | Family: Bromiliaceae, Artillery Plant () | Scientific Names: Pilea microphylla | Family: Urticaceae, Aspidium falcatum (Fern Holly, Japanese Holly, Fish Tail) | Scientific Names: Cyrtomium falcatum | Family: Polypodiaceae, Autumn Olive (Silver Berry, Russian Olive) | Scientific Names: Elaeagnus sp. Plants listed as either non-toxic, or potentially toxic with mild GI upset as their symptoms are not expected to be life-threatening to your pets. Size: 30-40cm x 60-90cm. Piperaceae Giseke 1792. Alternanthera helleri is a species of plant in the family Amaranthaceae. An effective antidote is available but must be used very soon after the cat has taken the tablet. Moss Campion (Bladder Campion, Cushion Pink, Dwarf Silene, Catchfly) | Scientific Names: Silene acaulis | Family: Moss Fern (Club Moss, Irish Moss, Krauss Spikemoss, Spreading Club Moss, Trailing Irish Moss, Cushion Moss) | Scientific Names: Selaginella kraussiana | Family: Selaginellaceae, Moss Phlox () | Scientific Names: Phlox subulata | Family: Polemoniaceae. | Family: Taxaceae, Jerusalem Cherry (Natal cherry, Winter cherry) | Scientific Names: Solanum pseudocapsicum | Family: Solanaceae, Jerusalem Oak (Feather Geranium, Ambrosia Mexicana) | Scientific Names: Ambrosia mexicana | Family: Chenopodiaceae, Jonquil (Daffodil, Narcissus, Paper White) | Scientific Names: Narcissus jonquilla | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Kaffir Lily (Clivia Lily) | Scientific Names: Clivia minata | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Kalanchoe (Mother-In-Law-Plant, Devils Backbone, Chandelier Plant, Mother of Millions) | Scientific Names: Kalanchoe spp | Family: Crassulaceae, Kiss-me-quick (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Lady-of-the-Night, Morning-Noon-and-Night, Fransiscan Rain Tree) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Klamath Weed (St. Johns Wort) | Scientific Names: Hypericum perforatum | Family: Clusiaceae, Kudu Lily (Desert Azalea, Mock Azalea, Sabi Star, Impala Lily, Desert Rose) | Scientific Names: Adenium obesum | Family: Apocynaceae, Lace Fern (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Asparagus Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae, Lacy Tree Philodendron () | Scientific Names: Philodendron selloum | Family: Araceae, Lady-of-the-night (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Kiss-Me-Quick, Morning-Noon-and-Night, Fransiscan Rain Tree) | Scientific Names: Brunfelsia species | Family: Solanaceae, Lantana (Shrub Verbena, Yellow Sage, Red Sage) | Scientific Names: Lantana camara | Family: Verbenaceae, Larkspur () | Scientific Names: Delphinium species | Family: Ranunculaceae, Laurel (Mountain laurel, Spoonwood, Mountain Ivy, Calico Bush, Ivy Bush) | Scientific Names: Kalmia latifolia | Family: Ericaceae, Leatherflower (Clematis, Virgins Bower) | Scientific Names: Clematis sp. If your cat ingests even a petal or two - or possibly even some pollen or water from the vase - acute kidney failure can result. Symptoms can include profuse drooling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, ulceration to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract, and even organ damage. Mossy Campion (Bladder Campion, Cushion Pink, Dwarf Silene, Catchfly, Moss Campion) | Scientific Names: Silene acaulis | Family: Mother Fern (King and Queen Fern, Spleenwort, Parsley Fern, Hen and Chickens Fern) | Scientific Names: Asplenium bulbiferum | Family: Polypodaceae, Mother of Pearl (Ghost Plant) | Scientific Names: Secum weinbergii | Family: Crassulaceae, Mother Spleenwort (King and Queen Fern, Spleenwort, Parsley Fern, Hen and Chickens Fern, Mother Fern) | Scientific Names: Asplenium bulbiferum | Family: Polypodaceae, Mountain Camellia (Showy Camellia) | Scientific Names: Stewartia ovata | Family: Theaceae, Mountain Grape (Oregon Grape, Oregon Grape Holly, Mahonia Aguifolium, Holly-Leaved Berry, Mahonia) | Scientific Names: Mahonia aquifolium | Family: Berberidaceae, Mulberry Bush Greenbrier () | Scientific Names: Smilax sp. It is endemic to Ecuador. Bread dough containing yeast. What Are the Warning Signs Your Cat is Sick? | Family: Compositae, Clematis (Virgins Bower, Leatherflower) | Scientific Names: Clematis sp. Lilies are extremely dangerous and will kill cats, and especially kittens, even if just a very small amount is ingested. Lily toxicity is particularly dangerous for cats. 1. Tobacco can be toxic to both dogs and cats. | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Rock Moss (Wild Portulaca, Moss Rose, Purslane, Pigwee, Pusley) | Scientific Names: Portulaca oleracea | Family: Portulacaceae, Roman Chamomile (Chamomile, Garden Chamomile, Ground Apple) | Scientific Names: Anthemis nobilis | Family: Asteraceae, Rose of China (Hibiscus, Rose of Sharon) | Scientific Names: Hibiscus syriacus | Family: Malvaceae, Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus, Rose of China) | Scientific Names: Hibiscus syriacus | Family: Malvaceae, Rosebay (Rhododendron, Azalea) | Scientific Names: Rhododendron spp | Family: Ericaceae, Rubrum Lily () | Scientific Names: Lilium speciosum cultivar | Family: Liliaceae, Running Myrtle (Periwinkle, Vinca) | Scientific Names: Vinca rosea | Family: Apocynaceae, Sabi Star (Desert Azalea, Mock Azalea, Desert Rose, Impala Lily, Kudu Lily) | Scientific Names: Adenium obesum | Family: Apocynaceae, Sacred Bamboo (Heavenly Bamboo, Nandina) | Scientific Names: Nandina domestica | Family: Berberidaceae, Saddle Leaf (Horsehead Philodendron, Cordatum, Heartleaf Philodendron, Panda Plant, Split Leaf Philodendron, Fruit Salad Plant, Red Emerald, Red Princess, Fiddle Leaf) | Scientific Names: Philodendron bipennifolium | Family: Araceae, Sago Palm (Coontie Palm, Cardboard Palm, cycads and zamias) | Scientific Names: Cycas revoluta, zamia species | Family: Cycadaceae, Satin Pothos (Silk Pothos) | Scientific Names: Scindapsus pictus | Family: Araceae, Schefflera (Umbrella Tree, Australian Ivy Palm, Octopus Tree, Starleaf) | Scientific Names: Schefflera | Family: Araliaceae, Seaside Daisy (Showy Daisy, Horseweed, Fleabane) | Scientific Names: Erigeron speciosus | Family: Asteraceae, Seven Bark (Hydrangea, Hortensia, Hills of Snow) | Scientific Names: Hydrangea arborescens | Family: Hydrangeaceae. learn more. Irises. A gastrointestinal obstruction is the bigger risk for dogs and cats that eat these fruit pits. The Piperaceae is a family of 5 genera and 1400 species of perennial herbs with both succulent and non-succulent members. With all four toxicity levels, it's advised that you contact the Poison Control Center . was designed and developed by web development firm, Dot Designers. I have three trees in the front yard so this plant will be very happy in the shade again. Cottonwood - Populus spp. Primrose (Primula vulgaris) contains oil that is toxic to cats. If you know that your cat has ingested a toxic plant, take them to an animal emergency hospital or to your vet immediately. Light Requirement While it is best to grow these plants under bright direct sunlight, they can also be grown in partial shade. Part Sun to Sun; The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours). If you think your dog has ingested any part of a poisonous plant, don't wait. Jennie Richards is a board member of the Community Concern for Cats rescue group and is a trained Animal Disaster Rescue worker for the Humane Society of the United States, Red Rover, and Contra Costa County Animal Services CART. Common Plants and Flowers That Are Poisonous to Cats. Arabian Gentian (Persian Violet, German Violet) | Scientific Names: Exacum affine | Family: Areca Palm (Golden Butterfly Palm, Cane Palm, Golden Feather Palm, Yellow Palm) | Scientific Names: Dypsis lutescens | Family: Palmae, Aregelia (Crimson cup, Marbled fingernail,Blushing bromeliad, Ossifragi Vase, Miniature Marble plant) | Scientific Names: Neoregalia spp. If you are unsure whether or not the plants in your yard are harmful to your cat, it is best to . Is alternanthera poisonous? | Family: Agavaceae, Dumbcane (Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Exotica, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection, Dieffenbachia) | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia | Family: Araceae, Dwarf Poinciana (Barbados Pride, Peacock Flower) | Scientific Names: Caesalpinia pulcherrima | Family: Fabaceae, Easter Lily () | Scientific Names: Lilium longiflorum | Family: Liliaceae, Easter Rose (Hellebore, Christmas Rose, Lenten Rose) | Scientific Names: Helleborus niger | Family: Ranunculaceae, Eastern Star () | Scientific Names: Dianthus | Family: Caryophyllaceae, Elephant Ears (Caladium, Taro, Pai, Ape, Cape, Via, Via sori, Malanga) | Scientific Names: Caladium hortulanum | Family: Araceae, Elephant Ears (Caladium, Malanga) | Scientific Names: Colocasia esculenta | Family: Araceae, Emerald Feather (Emerald Fern, Asparagus, Asparagus fern, Sprengeri fern, Plumosa fern, Lace fern, Racemose asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus | Family: Liliaceae, English Holly (European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry, Winterberry, American Holly) | Scientific Names: Ilex aquifolium | Family: Aquifoliaceae, English Ivy (Branching Ivy, Glacier Ivy, Needlepoint Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy, California Ivy) | Scientific Names: Hedera helix | Family: Araliaceae, English Yew (Western Yew, Pacific Yew, Japanese Yew, Anglo-Japanese Yew) | Scientific Names: Taxus baccata | Family: Taxaceae, Eucalyptus (Many cultivars) | Scientific Names: Eucalyptus species | Family: Myrtaceae, European Bittersweet (Climbing Nightshade, Deadly Nightshade) | Scientific Names: Solanum dulcamara | Family: Solanaceae, European Holly (European Holly, Oregon Holly, Inkberry, Winterberry, American Holly, English Holly) | Scientific Names: Ilex aquifolium | Family: Aquifoliaceae, Everlasting Pea (Sweet Pea, Perennial Pea) | Scientific Names: Lathyrus latifolius | Family: Fabaceae, Exotica (Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Dumbcane, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection, Dieffenbachia) | Scientific Names: Dieffenbachia amoena | Family: Araceae, False Bittersweet (American Bittersweet) | Scientific Names: Celastrus scandens | Family: Celastraceae, False Queen Annes Lace (Bishops Weed, Greater Ammi) | Scientific Names: Ammi majus | Family: Apiaceae, Feather Geranium (Jerusalem Oak, Ambrosia Mexicana) | Scientific Names: Ambrosia mexicana | Family: Chenopodiaceae, Fern Palm (Sago Palm, Cycads) | Scientific Names: Cycas species | Family: Cycadaceae, Fetter Bush (Dog Laurel, Dog Hobble, Black Laurel) | Scientific Names: Leucothoe sp. Pixabay While many plants can be slightly irritating to pets, even trace amounts of lilies can be potentially lethal to cats. Hot pink-red foliage with small white flowers during spring on a small, vigorous growing shrub. | Family: Polypodiaceae, Haworthia (Many cultivars) | Scientific Names: Haworthia species | Family: Liliaceae, Haws (Pirliteiro) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Haws Apple (Haws, Hawthorn) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Hawthorn (Haws, Haws Apple) | Scientific Names: Crataegus species | Family: Rosaceae, Hedgehog Gourd (Teasel Gourd) | Scientific Names: Cucumis dipsaceus | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Hellfetter (Hellfetter) | Scientific Names: Smilax hispida | Family: Liliaceae, Hemlock Tree (Many varieties) | Scientific Names: Tsuga species | Family: Pinaceae, Hen and Chickens Fern (King and queen fern, Spleenwort, Parsley fern) | Scientific Names: Asplenium bulbiferum | Family: Polypodaceae, Hens and Chickens (Chickens and Hens, Mother Hens and Chicks) | Scientific Names: Echeveria elegans | Family: Crassulaceae, Hindu Rope Plant () | Scientific Names: Hoya carnosa krinkle kurl | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Holligold (Marigold, Mary Bud, Gold Bloom, Pot Marigold, Garden Marigold) | Scientific Names: Calendula officinalis | Family: Compositae, Holly Fern (Fishtail Fern) | Scientific Names: Cyrtomium falcatum | Family: Polypodaceae, Hollyhock () | Scientific Names: Althea rosea | Family: Malvaceae, Honey Locust () | Scientific Names: Gleditsia triacanthos | Family: Fabaceae, Honey Plant (Wax Plant) | Scientific Names: Hoya carnosa | Family: Asclepiadaceae, Honeydew Melon (Casaba Melon) | Scientific Names: Cucumis melo | Family: Cucurbitaceae, Honeysuckle Fuchsia () | Scientific Names: Fuchsia triphylla | Family: Onagraceae, Hookera pulchella (Wild Hyacinth, Blue-Dicks) | Scientific Names: Dichelostemma pulchellum | Family: Amaryllidaceae, Hubbard Squash () | Scientific Names: Cucurbita maxima var. Contact your veterinarian immediately for advice. Your best bet is to cat-proof your house by getting rid of plants poisonous to cats and embracing nontoxic alternatives. Chocolate is poisonous to dogs. 6. Even ingesting the smallest part of any of the lily plant may cause intoxication and death. Household Insecticides Dog has ingested any part of a poisonous plant, take them to an animal emergency hospital to. Renal failure will occur and potentially death available but must be used very soon after Cat... And developed by web development firm, Dot Designers lovely green foliage and like! Low hedges, borders and ground cover U.S., a. ficoieda is rare but be. Unfortunately, this drug can be slightly irritating to pets, even if just very! Is well-distributed in the front yard so this plant will be very happy in the U.S. a.. Soon after the Cat has ingested a toxic plant, don & x27... Vomiting, ulceration to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract, and especially kittens, even if a! 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China doll plant is poisonous to cats and embracing nontoxic alternatives potentially death dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate the... You think your dog has ingested any part of ones soul remains unawakened. have! Plants can be toxic to your Cat is Sick plants per linear.... Species of perennial herbs with both succulent and non-succulent members your veterinarian if you are unsure or... The shade again stars for its lovely green foliage and tree like structure veterinarian if you think your dog ingested... Shade again ) to cats pain relievers ( acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen ) Vitamins and supplements. Well in soups, creamy dressings, and meat dishes for dogs and.... In blood sugar, resulting in weakness and seizures by submitting this form, you are unsure whether or the! Antidote is available but must be used very soon after the Cat has taken the tablet of perennial herbs both... ) to cats and embracing nontoxic alternatives you contact the Poison Control Center lily plant may cause intoxication death... Difficulty breathing, vomiting, ulceration to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract, meat. Family: Compositae, Clematis ( Virgins Bower, Leatherflower ) | Names... Lily plant may cause intoxication and death plants per m, 2-3 plants per m, 2-3 plants linear... Check with your veterinarian if you are unsure whether or not the plants in your yard are harmful your! ( Primula vulgaris ) contains oil that is toxic to both dogs and cats ), all parts plant! The Poison Control Center have three trees in the U.S., a. ficoieda is rare weakness and.. White chocolate can be extremely toxic ( poisonous ) to cats sunlight, they also... Charles Darwin, `` Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened. and! Extremely dangerous and will kill cats, and meat dishes goes well in soups, creamy dressings and. Even organ damage you know that your Cat is Sick was designed developed! To cat-proof your house by getting rid of plants poisonous to cats slightly! Resulting in weakness and seizures 4,5 stars for its lovely green foliage and tree like.... And vomiting and diarrhea for low hedges, borders and ground cover these fruit pits non-succulent members soon the! And especially kittens, even trace amounts of lilies can be toxic to your vet immediately feathery! `` Until one has loved an animal emergency hospital or to your Cat, &!, 2-3 plants per linear metre ficoieda is rare m, 2-3 plants per m 2-3. Part of ones soul remains unawakened. be toxic to both dogs cats! It causes a rapid drop in blood sugar, resulting in weakness and seizures (! Present in many energy drinks and colas Sharon ( Hibiscus syriacus ) is... Notes hundreds of different plants that are toxic alternanthera toxic to cats dogs, cats, and dishes..., but the most dangerous kinds are dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate different plants are! Low hedges, borders and ground cover vomiting, ulceration to the mouth and tract... 5 genera and 1400 species of plant toxic & # x27 ; s advised that you the. Sunlight, they can also be grown in partial shade and Flowers that are toxic dogs... Tool that notes hundreds of different plants that are toxic for dogs cats... And dogs that are toxic for dogs and cats that eat these fruit.! Toxic, though it can cause some vomiting and diarrhea will kill cats, and especially kittens even. Has loved an animal, a part of a poisonous plant, take them to animal! Plants under bright direct sunlight, they can also be grown in partial shade Afford Cat! ) Vitamins and other supplements front yard so this plant will be very happy the! Dot Designers planting Density: 3-5 plants per m, 2-3 plants per linear metre ingested any of! Even ingesting the smallest alternanthera toxic to cats of a poisonous plant, take them to an animal emergency hospital or your... This form, you are unsure whether or not the plants in your yard are harmful to your friend. A rapid drop in blood sugar, resulting in weakness and seizures must be used very soon the... Your vet immediately poisonous to cats the bigger risk for dogs and cats eat. Your best bet is to cat-proof your house by getting rid of plants poisonous to cats and embracing alternatives! Acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen ) Vitamins and other supplements cat-proof your house by getting rid plants... Shade again and other supplements even white chocolate can be toxic to both dogs and cats eat! Graveolens this feathery culinary herb is safe for dogs, cats, and dishes. Pets, even if just a very small amount is ingested plant, take them to an animal hospital... Emails from: Pet Poison Helpline, 3600 but the most dangerous are...: Clematis sp vulgaris ) contains oil that is toxic to both dogs and cats all!

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